October Budget: Green Energy Impact and Logistics

October Budget: Green Energy Impact and Logistics

10 December 2024

Explore how the October Budget affects green energy and logistics, with insights into fuel duty, EV investment, road infrastructure, and rising costs for warehousing. Read More >>

Optimising support for rugged mobile devices

Optimising support for rugged mobile devices

11 November 2024

Optimised rugged mobile devices means optimised productivity for your workers, improved efficiency and reduced downtime Read More >>

Peak Trading and Rugged Device Management

Peak Trading and Rugged Device Management

15 October 2024

This Peak Rugged Mobile Device Health Checklist will help you ensure that devices, people and systems are ready for intense use during peak times. Read More >>

Rugged v

Rugged v's Consumer ROI Calculator

01 October 2024

Understanding rugged mobile vs consumer mobile costs – Can it really save you 50% - Find out with our blog, and our ROI calculator Read More >>

Sarah Raven Selects TouchStar Solution

Sarah Raven Selects TouchStar Solution

23 September 2024

A press release on how Sarah Raven are using the Honeywell ED52 to secure game changing efficiency improvements. Read More >>

The Key To Rugged Mobile Computer Deployment

The Key To Rugged Mobile Computer Deployment

22 April 2024

Learn how to seamlessly deploy rugged mobile computers with our comprehensive guide, covering site surveys, device selection, testing, installation, and ongoing support. Read More >>

A Guide to the Top 5 Rugged Handheld Computers

A Guide to the Top 5 Rugged Handheld Computers

27 February 2024

Providing expert insights - we provide a guide to the top 5 rugged handhelds on the market in 2024. Read More >>

Touchstar awarded ‘Cyber Essentials Plus’ status

Touchstar awarded ‘Cyber Essentials Plus’ status

27 February 2024

Touchstar underwent a thorough IT process review in Feb 2024 to assess cyber resilience. Excited to share Touchstar earned 'Cyber Essentials Plus' status. Read More >>

ELIQUO Choose TouchStar for Rugged Integration

ELIQUO Choose TouchStar for Rugged Integration

26 February 2024

ELIQUO HYDROK select TouchStar for a rollout of the latest rugged tablets and handheld computing devices to secure stock visibility improvements.  Read More >>

Damart Rugged Device Case Study

Damart Rugged Device Case Study

12 February 2024

How Damart successfully managed a rugged mobile device upgrade to minimise downtime, reduce costs and optimise operational efficiencies.  Read More >>

Benefits of Upgrading Your Rugged Devices

Benefits of Upgrading Your Rugged Devices

09 November 2023

A blog overview discussing the benefits of upgrading your rugged handheld computers and how these can help deliver businesses with a big competitive advantage. Read More >>

An Introduction to Rugged Mobile Computers

An Introduction to Rugged Mobile Computers

10 October 2023

In this blog we discuss the different types of rugged mobile computers and discuss which devices are best suited to specific tasks.  Read More >>

Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Rugged Devices

Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Rugged Devices

05 October 2023

A blog on the common mistakes made when specifying rugged mobile computers and how to avoid them.  Read More >>

TS82 Now Equipped with Next Generation Scanning

TS82 Now Equipped with Next Generation Scanning

26 September 2023

Access next generation advanced scanning with the latest upgrade to TouchStar's TS82 Rugged Handheld Computer. Read More >>

How to Select the Right Rugged Device

How to Select the Right Rugged Device

01 September 2023

Take the proven path to rugged mobile success and understand how the rugged mobile device selection process can make or break an operation.  Read More >>

Benefits of upgrading Rugged Mobile Computers

Benefits of upgrading Rugged Mobile Computers

01 August 2023

A blog looking at the need for upgrading rugged mobile computers and the game-changing advantages that device replacements can bring with them.  Read More >>

What Role Do Rugged Devices Play in Cold Stores?

What Role Do Rugged Devices Play in Cold Stores?

06 July 2023

A blog on the cold storage, how it sits within a warehouse, the challenges and the role rugged devices play in the industry.  Read More >>

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Rugged Truck Mount FAQs

22 May 2023

A rugged device can be a valuable asset to any business by streamlining operations, reducing paperwork and increasing productivity. Rugged truck mounts are no different; they are vehicle mounted and can be used to maximise efficiencies and revitalise your operations by helping your workers stay connected and provide real-time data. Read More >>

NGF TouchStar Upgrade Banner

NGF Europe Select TouchStar for RFID Upgrade

12 May 2023

UK-based rugged mobile computing providers, TouchStar Technologies, is pleased to announce that NGF Europe Limited (NGFE), one of the World’s leading manufacturers of specialised reinforcement cord products has selected TouchStar for a third-generation RFID technology refresh. The upgrade will see the business upgrade their existing data capture technology with the latest, future proof rugged mobile computers enabling real time accuracy and control of their production processes. Read More >>

Improving productivity with rugged devices

Improving productivity with rugged devices

13 March 2023

Technology has enabled many industries and businesses to increase their work performance, streamline processes, boost efficiencies and improve productivity. Especially key in industrial environments, the technology needs to be able to handle the challenging conditions and be relied on to keep operations going. Read More >>

Challenges in Warehouse Management

Challenges in Warehouse Management

02 March 2023

Warehouses can be tough environments to work in, with many intricate moving parts and several processes working together. These complications present challenges within the operational management of the warehouses that their workforce face, including wasting time and money on inaccurate inventory and outdated processes. Read More >>

Premium Homeware Retailer Selects TouchStar

Premium Homeware Retailer Selects TouchStar

27 February 2023

UK-based rugged mobile computing providers, TouchStar Technologies, is pleased to announce that Silver Mushroom, the family run, premium online kitchen and homeware retailer has selected TouchStar for a mobile computer refresh. The upgrade will see the business upgrade their existing picking operations with the latest, rugged devices for real time stock visibility and control. Read More >>

Rugged Devices for Key Workers

Rugged Devices for Key Workers

31 January 2023

Key workers are paramount to our everyday lives, providing an essential service to the public. Whilst many of us were shielded at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, they sustained those essential services and kept the country functioning. No matter the industry, whether it be manufacturing, logistics or cold storage, a key worker's environment may be harsh and unusual. Of course, anything that can make it easier is essential, and this is where the latest technology comes in. Read More >>

Issues on Legacy OS

Issues on Legacy OS

03 January 2023

Rugged devices are known for being reliable, efficient and long-lasting in the most challenging conditions, making them a valuable asset to many businesses. Conducting regular device management is key to their success and helps keep rugged devices up to date, reduces downtime and ensures they are running as efficiently as possible. Read More >>

What Makes a Device ‘Rugged’?

What Makes a Device ‘Rugged’?

08 November 2022

Rugged devices are used by businesses in different industries to work in tough environments. Unlike consumer devices, they are specially designed to withstand heat, shock, humidity and impact, without being damaged. This in-built resilience makes rugged devices ideal for even the most challenging environments and workplaces. Read More >>

What is Rugged Device Management?

What is Rugged Device Management?

01 November 2022

Rugged devices are known for being long-lasting and reliable even in harsh conditions. However, no matter how physically rugged a device is, there are other areas which are less rugged such as its security protocols and network updates. The overall management of the device has an impact on the product’s life cycle so these areas need additional attention to ensure they stay up and running, and the device remains a benefit to a business. Read More >>

Rugged Wearables FAQ

Rugged Wearables FAQ

06 October 2022

A rugged device is a smartphone, tablet, truck mount, or other electronic gadget that is built to withstand the challenges of commercial use. There are three kinds of rugged devices: semi-rugged, fully-rugged, and ultra-rugged (i.e. indestructible). The ruggedness required by a business is determined mainly by the operational environments such as in a warehouse or manufacturing. Read More >>

The Big Decision: Rugged or Consumer Devices?

The Big Decision: Rugged or Consumer Devices?

19 July 2022

Businesses now have more options than ever before when it comes to mobile technology supporting their operations, with the decision on which devices to use becoming increasingly difficult. Read More >>

Why Use a Rugged Handheld Device?

Why Use a Rugged Handheld Device?

04 July 2022

Rugged devices are the ideal technological solution for any business operating in a warehouse, manufacturing plant, cold storage, or other hazardous settings. Due to their durability and high-end features, they make the ideal companion for any workers who experience harsh environments on a daily basis. Read More >>

OS Android-Based Solutions: The Benefits

OS Android-Based Solutions: The Benefits

07 June 2022

Microsoft’s Windows CE was always a popular choice for businesses using rugged and other mobile devices across their operations. Unfortunately, in June 2018, Microsoft decided to end all support for the platform and businesses had to find an alternative to transition to. This is where Android stepped in. Read More >>

Rugged handheld or rugged wearable; which is best?

Rugged handheld or rugged wearable; which is best?

18 May 2022

Like many technologies, rugged devices in all forms have continued to develop and grow. Not just with the processing speeds and capabilities, but also with the different types of devices now available. With so many more alternatives on the market, it can be difficult to understand which device will fulfil your company’s needs. Read More >>

Why TouchStar Rugged Mobile Computers?

Why TouchStar Rugged Mobile Computers?

31 March 2022

When there are many rugged device suppliers on the market, it can be hard to know who to trust and partner with. With technology continuously advancing, the choice isn’t getting any easier. That’s why, here at TouchStar Rugged Mobile Computers, we make the choice simple. Read More >>

How did COVID-19 impact the Logistics industry?

How did COVID-19 impact the Logistics industry?

07 March 2022

As everyone has experienced in one way or another, COVID-19 has caused mass disruption around the world. Although we’re starting to emerge from the grey cloud it cast and can start seeing the light again, there are some ways in which the coronavirus continues to impact businesses and their workforces. Read More >>

The Use of Rugged Devices in the Cold Store Sector

The Use of Rugged Devices in the Cold Store Sector

20 January 2022

Cold storage environments face a number of operational challenges from maintaining temperatures to energy use. Another challenge can be the use of mobile devices in extremely cold temperatures, battling cold, condensation and frost which can all cause damage to standard consumer devices. Read More >>

What’s Best For Your Warehouse; Consumer or Rugged

What’s Best For Your Warehouse; Consumer or Rugged

06 January 2022

Within any warehouse, operational efficiency, real-time visibility and operational accuracy are key. Trying to find a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and the mobile computing device that offers the best combination to achieve this is critical. It can also be quite a challenge given the number of device options available. Read More >>

How Are Rugged Devices Tested?

How Are Rugged Devices Tested?

20 October 2021

If you’re considering buying rugged devices for your business, you want to ensure they’ll stand the test of time and do the job you need them to do. The testing process is vigorous and is standardised across all rugged devices. But how are rugged devices tested?  Read More >>

Rugged Handhelds or Rugged Tablets: Which is Best?

Rugged Handhelds or Rugged Tablets: Which is Best?

05 October 2021

Rugged devices have continued to develop over recent years, with not only the technology becoming faster and more complex, but with the number of different device types now available. With more options on the market, it can be hard to know which one is best to fulfil the needs of you and your company. Read More >>

ATEX Certification and Zone Classifications

ATEX Certification and Zone Classifications

31 August 2021

In any working environment, it is crucial that the appropriate legal health and safety measures are firmly in place to safeguard workforces, and to ensure that potentially hazardous equipment is fit for purpose and being used safely. Read More >>

Changing Warehouse OS? Key Considerations

Changing Warehouse OS? Key Considerations

02 August 2021

Since launching in the mid-eighties and early noughties, Android and Microsoft Windows operating systems (OS) have helped to revolutionise operations across countless industries worldwide, including warehousing. Read More >>

Rugged Devices: Long-Term Industrial Connectivity

Rugged Devices: Long-Term Industrial Connectivity

30 April 2021

With the unpredicted onset of the global pandemic, businesses have been forced to counteract drastic drops in turnover by implementing vital operational efficiencies. Among them is looking at how to streamline operations, preserve cash flow and retain customers. Read More >>

What Can Rugged Mobile Do For Chemicals Industries

What Can Rugged Mobile Do For Chemicals Industries

26 April 2021

Very few human-made products are made without any contribution from the chemicals industry. Industrial chemical processing forms the foundation of many other major manufacturing industries, such as construction, agriculture, automotive and pharmaceuticals, making the chemical sector one of the most vital there is. Read More >>

Rugged truck mounts or wearables? Which is best?

Rugged truck mounts or wearables? Which is best?

08 April 2021

Mobile rugged devices are not only essential to the streamlining of processes, their highly durable properties and ability to withstand harsh environments makes them the perfect solution across various sectors. Read More >>

Expect Distribution Case Study

Expect Distribution Case Study

24 March 2021

From palletised and international distribution, through to contract logistics and warehousing, Expect Distribution have built long term partnerships with their clients, delivering real competitive advantage through the provision of reliable, flexible and profitable logistics operations.  Read More >>

Rugged Devices For Lean Manufacturing Operations

Rugged Devices For Lean Manufacturing Operations

04 March 2021

To describe the last 12 months as turbulent for the manufacturing industry would be a significant understatement. The onset of the global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have led to UK manufacturing operations being forced to implement short-term actions to reduce costs to counteract drastic drops in turnover. Read More >>

The Rugged Devices Market In 2021

The Rugged Devices Market In 2021

10 February 2021

The rugged devices industry, like all sectors, has been impacted by the unpredicted events of 2020. Despite COVID-19 and its unquestionable impact on global business operations, the start of the year is the perfect time to reflect on our industry and consider the progress we have made. Read More >>

Futureproof The Warehouse With Data

Futureproof The Warehouse With Data

07 January 2021

It feels as though the rate of technological progress has never been faster than it is right now. Since Intel co-founder Gordon Moore coined ‘Moore’s Law’ in 1965 – the theory that the number of transistors that can fit on a computer chip will double every year – he’s been proven right. Computing power is continuing to grow at an astonishing pace, enabling ever-more advanced applications all the time. Read More >>

Carn Coldstore Selects TouchStar’s TS82 Handheld

Carn Coldstore Selects TouchStar’s TS82 Handheld

19 November 2020

Following a £9million investment in a brand new cold storage facility in Portadown Northern Ireland, Carn Coldstore, a leading provider of temperature-controlled services, has selected TouchStar’s TS82handheld mobile computer to support real time data capture within their order picking processes. Read More >>

Warehouse operating systems; OS Considerations

Warehouse operating systems; OS Considerations

30 September 2020

The battle between Windows and Android for dominance in the warehouse appears to be coming to a close with Microsoft’s decision to end support for mobile devices that use their software by 2022. But will Microsoft’s “slow sunset” mean an automatic win for Android? TouchStar’s Jon Hall looks at some of the most frequently asked questions to offer an understanding of OS choice in a warehouse environment.  Read More >>

Real Time Data For Frozen and Chilled Food Sector

Real Time Data For Frozen and Chilled Food Sector

29 September 2020

The cold chain is one of the most vital parts of the UK’s food industry – it’s what keeps the food we produce and import fresh and safe to eat, and massively reduces food waste. According to the Cold Chain Federation, there are more than 3.5billion cubic metres of cold chain storage space nationwide.  Read More >>

Rugged Mobile Devices For Food Manufacturing

Rugged Mobile Devices For Food Manufacturing

21 August 2020

Like many manufacturing sectors, the food manufacturing industry has a unique set of requirements. Not only is it the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, accounting for 17 percent of all UK manufacturing GVA (£28.2 billion), food manufacturing is also one of the most heavily regulated. Hygiene, health and safety have always been of paramount importance within the industry, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it further safety and hygiene procedures from the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Read More >>

Key Workers In The Logistics Industry

Key Workers In The Logistics Industry

26 March 2020

At the time of writing, many logistics workers in the UK are now considered ‘key workers’ in the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This means that, rather than staying at home, healthy logistics workers can continue to keep the nation’s supply chains moving, carrying out essential duties that ensure we all have what we need during this period of uncertainty. Read More >>

Why you should continue to invest in rugged mobile

Why you should continue to invest in rugged mobile

02 March 2020

When it comes to business, every investment made must prove its value. However, as a company develops, it is inevitable that some resources will become less useful and fit for purpose, and others will take their place. Read More >>

The Rugged Device Market in 2020

The Rugged Device Market in 2020

28 January 2020

A new year is a great time to reflect on our industry and consider how far we’ve come. While undoubtedly built to take hard knocks, at one point opting for a rugged mobile device meant sacrificing considerably on performance, whereas today’s rugged devices are as operationally efficient and user friendly as they are tough. Read More >>

Latest Blog; Forklift mounted computers

Latest Blog; Forklift mounted computers

19 December 2019

No warehouse team would be without their forklifts. They make light work of lifting, transporting and loading pallet loads and other heavy items, quickly, smoothly and even at height. Read More >>

Leading 3PL Selects TouchStar

Leading 3PL Selects TouchStar

28 November 2019

UK-based manufacturer of rugged mobile computers, TouchStar Technologies, is pleased to announce that Avon Freight Group, a leading 3PL, has selected TouchStar’s TS8000 handheld mobile computers. The hardware upgrade follows a major investment in Avon Freight Group’s IT and warehouse management systems. The new devices will be utilised within the full spectrum of warehouse processes with the objective of streamlining current operations.  Read More >>

ATEX Rugged Computers for Hazardous Environments

ATEX Rugged Computers for Hazardous Environments

18 November 2019

Safety should be top priority in any workplace, but some settings are more hazardous than others. Many industries include manufacturing or processing practices that create potentially explosive conditions, such as the gas supply sector, and the pharmaceutical and varnishing industries.  Read More >>

Rugged Devices and Elastic Logistics

Rugged Devices and Elastic Logistics

05 November 2019

Elastic logistics. If you’re in the supply chain industry, it’s likely that you’ve heard the sector’s latest buzzword, but what exactly does it mean? Read More >>

How Rugged Mobile Improves Inventory Management

How Rugged Mobile Improves Inventory Management

26 September 2019

Your warehouses contain the lifeblood of your business; your inventory. In an ideal world, the stock you hold would move through your warehouse and be replenished seamlessly, with no time to erode tight profit margins. Read More >>

Choosing Rugged Vehicle Mount Computers

Choosing Rugged Vehicle Mount Computers

02 September 2019

From cold chain to potentially explosive atmospheres, there’s no limit to the variety of working environments within which workers need digital back up. At many of these demanding workplaces, workers also need their hands free, which is where rugged vehicle mount computers come into play. Docking securely on truck and van dashboards, as well as on forklifts, pallet trucks, order pickers and other types of material handling equipment, rugged vehicle mount devices provide easy and robust access to the digital systems and data workers need on the operational front line.  Read More >>

Technology Trends in the Warehouse 2019

Technology Trends in the Warehouse 2019

19 August 2019

The key goals of implementing new technology in a warehouse environment have traditionally fallen into two camps: increasing staff productivity and replacing inefficient (often paper-based) processes.  Read More >>

Emerging Applications of Rugged Handheld Devices

Emerging Applications of Rugged Handheld Devices

26 July 2019

More and more commercial organisations are discovering the many benefits of rugged handheld devices. A recent report from Technavio predicts a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) within the global rugged device market of nearly eight per cent before 2023. Read More >>

The latest Rugged Computers for £7.50/device/week!

The latest Rugged Computers for £7.50/device/week!

22 July 2019

At TouchStar, we provide UK based design, manufacture and support of fit for purpose rugged mobile computers. With our 'Brexit Busting' deals and interest free payment plan, we are helping more and more users upgrade to the latest handheld, truck mount and tablet devices.  Read More >>

Why Your Warehouse Team Need Rugged Mobile Devices

Why Your Warehouse Team Need Rugged Mobile Devices

03 May 2019

Your warehouse operatives know their working environment better than anyone. It’s their job to run your warehouse like a well-oiled machine, and that means ensuring that every item is in the right place at the right time as it moves from goods in to despatch. Read More >>

How Rugged Mobile Thrives In The Cold Chain

How Rugged Mobile Thrives In The Cold Chain

26 April 2019

The average digital device doesn’t do well in the cold. In fact, extremes of temperature in either direction are a good way to impair the functionality of a standard PDA or mobile computer, particularly if they’re repeatedly moved between a normal environment and one that’s intensely hot or cold. Read More >>

Decentralising control on the manufacturing floor

Decentralising control on the manufacturing floor

26 March 2019

Most businesses need a central point of operations; a hub that acts as a focus for organisational performance. Yet, when it comes to the manufacturing industry – or indeed any industry that makes use of separate points in a supply chain such as factories and/or warehouses – having just one source of complete operational control can limit and even impede productivity in these secondary sites and place unnecessary pressure on the nerve centre.  Read More >>


Wearable mobile computers: what are they used for?

25 February 2019

Increasing productivity, accuracy and ensuring the smooth-running of processes, wearable mobile computers are dramatically streamlining operations across the entire warehousing, manufacturing and production industries. Also referred to as wearable terminals, wearable mobile computers offer a robust, hands-free tech solution which enables warehouse workers the freedom to focus on the job in-hand. Read More >>

 Dealing with connectivity issues in the warehouse

Dealing with connectivity issues in the warehouse

25 January 2019

Over the last decade, the level of connectivity offered by the mobile devices that we carry with us has evolved from a luxury feature to an essential part of our everyday lives. With that in mind, it’s little surprise that connectivity has become just as essential in the workplace. It’s especially important in environments where mobile workers rely on the connectivity between the mobile device they use and a central management system in order to do their job.  Read More >>

Automation and the future of warehousing

Automation and the future of warehousing

18 January 2019

Back in the late 1800s, the introduction of hoists shook up warehousing operations across the world. In the early 1900s, forklifts did the same all over again, boosting productivity for commerce businesses of all kinds. Fast forward a hundred years or so, and it’s time for the next big revolution: automation. It’s clear that significant changes are afoot, and while the world’s big-budget businesses are the ones making the most notable moves at present, all signs point to robots and artificial intelligence becoming the norm in warehouses of all sizes before too long. Could you be next? Read More >>

Infographic: The Role Of Mobile Technology Today

Infographic: The Role Of Mobile Technology Today

18 December 2018

Mobile computing systems have the power to revolutionise operational processes across a vast range of industries, but to what extent are businesses taking advantage of this?To find out just how mobile technology is viewed and implemented right now, we gathered the thoughts and opinions of industry customers and partners* to create our Mobile Computing Survey 2018 – click the link below to see what our key findings were. Read More >>

Managing seasonality in the warehouse

Managing seasonality in the warehouse

05 December 2018

With Black Friday behind us, the year’s busiest retail season is well and truly here. For many businesses, the countdown to Christmas holds more commercial opportunity than any other time of year, so the pressure is on to optimise processes and maximise profits. Read More >>

TouchStar Mobile Computing Survey 2018

TouchStar Mobile Computing Survey 2018

12 October 2018

Part of our commitment to providing mobile solutions that facilitate operational excellence is understanding how mobile technology is perceived and implemented by different industries. To what extent are mobile computing systems already helping businesses achieve their goals, and in which areas could extra support or information be put to use? Read More >>

How using rugged mobile can build confidence

How using rugged mobile can build confidence

04 September 2018

Your customers probably don’t spend much time thinking about what happens in your business’s warehouses, and that’s exactly the way it should be. The complexities of warehouse management happen in the background; a continuous cycle of logistical processes that ensures each order gets where it needs to be and when. Read More >>

How vehicle mounts are helping enterprises evolve

How vehicle mounts are helping enterprises evolve

09 August 2018

In most busy warehouses, the only constant is change. With inventory continuously moving from one place to another, a stream of new and updated picking instructions and a large rotational team of warehouse personnel, the efficiency of your supply chain relies on smooth operational processes. Vehicle mounted computer systems can provide a robust infrastructure for the day-to-day running of your commercial warehouses, helping your business tackle everyday challenges and move towards a futureproof way of working. Read More >>

Rugged mobile in the waste management sector

Rugged mobile in the waste management sector

12 July 2018

Designed to withstand the unpredictability of demanding outdoor working environments, rugged mobile solutions are ideal for the waste management industry. Yet, rugged mobile systems have benefits for waste management that extend far beyond simple suitability; the right hardware can help to optimise operational performance and efficiency, cut costs and provide invaluable business insight. Read More >>

How to pick the right handheld computers

How to pick the right handheld computers

22 May 2018


Why are rugged devices essential in manufacturing

Why are rugged devices essential in manufacturing

30 April 2018


Why Should We Automate?

Why Should We Automate?

23 January 2018

Back in the late 1800s, the introduction of hoists shook up warehousing operations across the world. In the early 1900s, forklifts did the same all over again, boosting productivity for commerce businesses of all kinds. Fast forward a hundred years or so, and it’s time for the next big revolution: automation.  Read More >>

Rugged or Consumer Devices?

Rugged or Consumer Devices?

24 August 2017

Mobile devices are all but essential in a modern warehouse environment, but choosing the right ones can be daunting. Whether you’ve only recently realised their importance or are looking to upgrade existing hardware, you’ll have no doubt considered both rugged and consumer handsets. Which option is right for you? The truth is that both have their benefits, and it pays to understand these before making any decisions.  Read More >>

Confidence Grows in UK Logistics

Confidence Grows in UK Logistics

10 February 2017

A recent report looking at the logistics sector in the UK has shown a slight rise in confidence among businesses. Following four successive reports of a fall in confidence levels, this rise is seen as significant, although the level still remains lower than the highs of 2014 and 2015. Read More >>

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