
Wearable mobile computers: what are they used for?

25 February 2019

Increasing productivity, accuracy and ensuring the smooth-running of processes, wearable mobile computers are dramatically streamlining operations across the entire warehousing, manufacturing and production industries. Also referred to as wearable terminals, wearable mobile computers offer a robust, hands-free tech solution which enables warehouse workers the freedom to focus on the job in-hand. Read More >>

TouchStar Launch Android TS8200 and TS7200 Series

TouchStar Launch Android TS8200 and TS7200 Series

14 February 2019

Manchester, 14th February 2019. UK Based Manufacturer of Rugged Mobile Computers, TouchStar Technologies announced the latest addition to the TS Series product suite, the android TS8200 handheld and TS7200 truck mounted terminal.  Read More >>

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